Landscape Visualization Acoustic Simulation Concept Team

August 2015

Windparks virtuell erleben, auch akustisch

Radiointerview zu VisAsim auf SRF4 news

zum Interview


Juli 2015

VisAsim-Demonstration - Ein innovatives Kommunikations- und Planungsinstrument für Windenergieanlagen

Vorführung von VisAsim als Teil der Ausstellung «Windenergie, natürlich! Sonderschau zum Staunen und Erleben.»

An der WEGA 2015, der Thurgauer Herbstmesse in Weinfelden, Halle 5, Eingang Marktplatz, vom 24. bis 28. September.



December 2014

Article of VisAsim

Article of VisAsim, NewSLetter of Network City and Landscape NSL, 24th December 2014. Theme: Energy.

NSL NewSLetter Article of VisAsim


December 2014

Article of VisAsim

Article of VisAsim, forum.landschaft Infoletter 4/14, 18th December 2014.

VisAsim Article on page 5: German or French


November 2014

Exhibition stand of VisAsim

Exhibition stand of VisAsim at "Forum für Wissen 2014: Landschaft und Energiewende", at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, 25th November 2014.

Forum für Wissen 2014: Landschaft und Energiewende

November 2014

Presentation of VisAsim at the Acoustics Colloquium, ETH Zurich

Presentation of VisAsim at the Acoustics Colloquium, 19th November 2014. Theme: "Visuell-Akustische Simulation zur Bewertung der Landschaftsverträglichkeit von Windparks".

Acoustics Colloquium ETH Zurich, Fall Semester 2014

August 2014

Acceptability Study Impressions

Visit the VisAsim Gallery for some impressions of the Acceptability Study in Basel and Zurich.

Juli 2014

Akzeptanzstudie ist beendet!

Stören Windturbinen?

Akzeptanzstudie zur Wahrnehmung von Windparks in Schweizer Landschaften.

Wann: vom 8.-17.7.2014

Ort: HIL H 35.3, ETH Zürich-Hönggerberg

Dauer: ca. 45 Min.

Weitere Informationen: hier

Anmeldung: Einschreibung in Doodle-Liste hier

June/July 2014

Acceptability Study is closed!

Acceptability Study in Basel and Zurich

Perceptions of Wind Parks in Swiss Landscapes - We want to evaluate the acceptance of simulated wind parks in different landscape types with sound. This will allow deriving possible applications for such simulation tools.

Information: Study in Basel (28.6/5.7.2014) or Study in Zurich (8.-17.7.2014)

Subscribe here for: Basel or Zurich

January 2014

Publication, Journal Paper

Manyoky, M., Wissen Hayek, U., Heutschi, K., Pieren, R., Grêt-Regamey, A., (2014): Developing a GIS-Based Visual-Acoustic 3D Simulation for Wind Farm Assessment. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2014, 3, 29-48.


Read Publication

January 2014

Publication, Journal Paper

Heutschi, K., Pieren, R., Müller, M., Manyoky, M., Wissen Hayek, U., Eggenschwiler, K., (2014): Auralization of Wind Turbine Noise: Propagation Filtering and Vegetation Noise Synthesis. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100(1), pp. 13-24.


Read Publication

January 2014

Publication, Journal Paper

Pieren, R., Heutschi, K., Müller, M., Manyoky, M., Eggenschwiler, K. (2014): Auralization of Wind Turbine Noise: Emission Synthesis. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100(1), pp. 25-33.


Read Publication

June 2013

Ulrike Wissen Hayek and Madeleine Manyoky receive the first prize of the DLA 2013 Poster Competition

Ulrike Wissen Hayek and Madeleine Manyoky receive the first prize of the poster competition "My 3D Landscape" by vote of the participants of the conference Digital Landscape Architecture 2013.

DLA Conference 2013

June 2013

Poster and short presentation of VisAsim at the conference:
Digital Landscape Architecture 2013

Poster and short presentation of VisAsim at the DLA Conference 2013, Bernburg, Germany. Conference theme: Connectivity and Collaboration in Planning and Design.

Read poster (PDF)

DLA Conference 2013

May 2013

Presentation of VisAsim at the 7. UNIGIS-Day Switzerland at the Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (HSR)

Presentation of VisAsim at the 7. UNIGIS-Day at the Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (HSR), Switzerland. Theme: GIS Applications, Geodata-based 3D Landscapes.

7. UNIGIS-Day Switzerland

April 2013

Publication, conference paper

Heutschi, K., Pieren, R.(2013): Auralization of Wind Turbines In: Conference Proceedings of the AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics, Merano, Italy.

Read publication (PDF)

March 2013

Presentation of VisAsim at the AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics

Presentation of VisAsim at the AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics, Merano, Italy. Conference theme: Recent developments and future trends in acoustics.

AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics

December 2012

NEW: Mobile Virtual Acoustic Lab (MVAL)

The new Mobile Virtual Acoustic Lab (MVAL) of PLUS meets the requirements to test virtual-acoustic simulations within laboratory conditions. The MVAL consists of noise absorbing curtains, a quiet beamer, a mobile screen and an aluminum construction with elements no longer than 1m to transport the construction to arbitrary locations. Furthermore, 5 loudspeakers are set up in a pentagon setting and calibrated using a sound level measuring device to ensure an optimal spatial acoustic field.


June 2012

Publication, peer-reviewed conference paper

Manyoky, M., Wissen Hayek, U., Klein, T.M., Pieren, R., Heutschi, K., Grêt-Regamey, A. (2012): Concept for collaborative design of wind farms facilitated by an interactive GIS-based visual-acoustic 3D simulation. In: Buhmann, E., Ervin, S., Pietsch, M.: Peer-reviewed Proceedings of Digital Landscape Architecture 2012, Wichmann: Berlin and Offenbach: pp. 297-306

Read publication (PDF)

May 2012

Presentation of VisAsim at the conference:
Digital Landscape Architecture 2012

Presentation of VisAsim at the DLA Conference 2012, Bernburg, Germany. Conference theme: Dialogue on GeoDesign, 3D-Modeling and Visualization in Landscape Architecture.

DLA Conference 2012

March 2012

Madeleine Manyoky receives for her master thesis this year's geosuisse/IGS-Award

This year's geosuisse/IGS-Award was assigned on suggestion of the Notenkonferenz to Madeleine Manyoky, Master of Science ETH in Geomatic and Planning, for her master thesis "SoundLandscape – GIS-based landscape visualizations with integration of acoustic emissions of wind turbines", which was supervised by Prof. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey and Prof. Hilmar Ingensand.

November 2011

Poster of VisAsim at the symposium:
Building Acoustics 2011

Presentation of VisAsim at the Symposium of Building Acoustics 2011, Cost Actions FP0702 and TU0901, EMPA Dübendorf, Switzerland. Poster theme: Visual-Acuostic Simulation for landscape impact assessment of wind farms - an acoustic point of view

Read poster (PDF)

Building Acoustics at EMPA

August 2011

How do we perceive wind turbines in our landscape? – Exposition at the Scientifica 2011

The "Scientifica - Zürcher Research Days" are taking place from August 26 - 28 2011, and researchers from the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich will present their research areas. The topic of the Scientifica is"Energy".

With regard to the focus topic "Energy for our daily life" PLUS provides an exhibition of visual-acoustic 3D landscape visualizations and how these can be used for landscape impact assessment of wind farms. Equipped with 3D glasses and earphones you can explore yourselves where and how loud wind turbines are in the virtual landscape model and assess the landscape aesthetics. The interactive 3D model of the Mont-Crosin (BE) allows for exploring the rather realistic simulation of the real situation. But not only virtual visualizations are provided. Scaled models of the landscape show further visualization instruments that are suitable to support spatialand landscape planning processes.